Report and Data
Year 4 results of the Hologic Global Women’s Health Index show that prioritizing women’s health is more critical now than ever. The private and public sectors must partner together and take actionable steps toward improving women’s health. With the data from the Hologic Global Women’s Health Index, we can get there. It’s one more way Hologic is bringing The Science of Sure® to life.
Year 4 Report
The Hologic Global Women’s Health Index, now in its fourth year, is one of the most comprehensive initiatives measuring the state of health for 97% of the world’s global adult population. Our Year 4 Index reflects the real-life experiences and opinions of more than 146,000 women and men from 142 countries. This year's findings show women have experienced losses within every one of the five dimensions of their health that are crucial to them living healthier—and ultimately longer—lives.

Year 3 Report Archive
The findings from the third year of the survey, based on Hologic and Gallup’s interviews, is one of the most comprehensive initiatives measuring the state of health for 97% of the world’s women and girls aged 15 and older. Our Year 3 Index reflects the real-life experiences and opinions of more than 147,000 women and men from 143 countries. Regrettably, this year’s findings reveal that women’s health globally has not only stagnated but is moving in the wrong direction.
Year 2 Report Archive
The findings from the second year of the survey, based on Hologic and Gallup’s interviews with nearly 127,000 women and men in 122 countries and territories. The Year 2 results revealed that health situations for women and girls worldwide did not improve since the inaugural report — and many women’s health situations became even worse. The Year 2 report answered key questions about women’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviors regarding healthcare and, most importantly, whether they are getting preventive care and using health services. It also offered new insights into how the five dimensions of health and visits with a healthcare professional relate to women’s life expectancy.

Year 1 Report Archive
The findings from the first year of the survey, based on Hologic and Gallup’s interviews with nearly 120,000 women and men in 116 countries and territories, provided a sobering baseline account of the state of women’s health worldwide. The data showed that every country in the world — high-income and low-income alike — fell short when it comes to women’s health and creating policies that support it. Millions of women worldwide were in crisis. Too few were being tested for deadly diseases. Their emotional health was suffering. They couldn’t meet basic needs and they didn’t feel safe.