Year 4 results of the Hologic Global Women’s Health Index show that prioritizing women’s health is more critical now than ever. The private and public sectors must partner together and take actionable steps toward improving women’s health. With the data from the Hologic Global Women’s Health Index, we can get there. It’s one more way Hologic is bringing The Science of Sure® to life.

What is the Hologic Global Women’s Health Index?
A Life-Changing Study for Women. And the World.
The Hologic Global Women’s Health Index is a global indicator of a healthy future for women. Developed in collaboration with international public health and medical experts and the Gallup World Poll research team, a set of questions was formulated that together capture and measure women’s experiences with health and healthcare. These questions, in combination with other existing World Poll questions, make up the Hologic Global Women’s Health Index.
Harnessing the power and global reach of the Gallup World Poll, the Hologic Global Women’s Health Index represents the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of women and girls aged 15+. This multiyear effort contributes to international awareness that women’s health is a critical foundation for the advancement of humankind and that more needs to be done to improve the healthcare, and ultimately life expectancy, of women and girls everywhere.
Countries & Territories
Women & Girls Surveyed (Ages 15 and Older)
Of the Global Adult Population
People Surveyed

What Does the Index Measure?
By country and territory, the Hologic Global Women’s Health Index measures five dimensions of health: Preventive Care, Emotional Health, Opinions of Health and Safety, Basic Needs and Individual Health. By providing a single, global and comprehensive view of these five dimensions, world leaders, change-makers and society as a whole can understand the issues at hand and act quickly to improve the quality of life and life expectancy of women worldwide.
About Methodology
Women’s health is a combination of physical health as well as social, economic and political factors (culture, poverty, discrimination, violence, system of provision of health services, geographical location, etc.). But not all of the issues facing women today can be measured in a non-epidemiological social science survey.
With a team of global experts, Hologic and Gallup set out to understand which key metrics would be most meaningful to study in a women-focused, international index of health built on national-level surveys conducted worldwide.

Our Promise
Women’s health is societal health. Its connection to families, communities and society is intertwined. As a global medical technology company, Hologic specializes in the early detection, diagnosis and treatment of women’s health issues.
We know firsthand that you cannot improve what you do not measure. And when we discovered we could not answer some of the most pressing questions in women’s health, we made it our goal to close the gap in the world’s physical and medical understanding and lead the way for better health for over 3.9 billion women while asking the world to join us. And we did, creating the Hologic Global Women’s Health Index, an embodiment of our company’s purpose, passion and promise.
We are enabling healthier lives everywhere, every day.
The Index is using global data to inspire conversations that will drive change.
We are dedicated to being global champions for women’s health.
The Index is bringing awareness to the issues.
We will give women the highest degree of certainty in their health.
The Index is Hologic’s promise in action.
Get in Touch
For media inquiries or to schedule a briefing, please contact us at [email protected].